Monday, June 28, 2010

Meaty post

Sorry to disappoint you but this is not going to be about that kind of meaty.
A couple days back, Vanglaini produced a picture of a maxicab which was used to transport the Mizo delicacy extraordinaire- dogs. Those dogs were bundled inside sacks with just their heads showing, and bound hand (paw?) and foot. Some of the more whiny ones had their mouths tied shut. It generated a lot of comments on public forums like Fakselna, where people condemned the inhuman, brutal treatment of those dogs.

Now, I'm no vegan (though I don't eat meat that much, and especially not dog meat), nor an animals rights activist. Im not going to speak against meat eaters. Its all part of the food chain, this.

Last year, I and a friend took a trip to Shillong by bus. On the way back, we stopped at Khleiriat, I think. Four Mizo women started bundling those bound and muzzled dogs inside the luggage hold of the bus. We, the passengers were a little shocked. One of them mock-joked, "We're going to report you to the border police", to which one woman replied, "I've already gotten permission from their Chief". Wow. 

We muttered amongst ourselves. I even ventured to ask tentatively if they could be transported in a more humane manner, but they laughed and said those dogs were going to be butchered soon anyway. In the Phantom comics of old, there is a saying, "The female of the species is deadlier than the male". I suppose I'm still conventional enough to be shocked that other women could treat living beings that brutally. 

The luggage hold was dark, cramped and stuffy. Imagine being bound, hand and foot, tied inside a sack, muzzled inside a dark, cramped space. Imagine being jolted everytime the bus hits one of the numerous potholes on the road. Imagine whining through the muzzle, petrified, as you try to scratch your way out. imagine suffocating on your own vomit. For that is precisely what happened to three of those fifteen or so dogs being smuggled in that night.

The women got off at Vaivakawn. And shockingly, they got into a huge fight with a man whose luggage was shredded by one of the dogs who managed to free itself from its bindings. Those woman dared to accuse that man of mistreating them because they were 'weak females' (A awm nem zawk kan nih vangin min diriam). The passengers intervened and an uneasy truce was called.

And those dogs, and others are smuggled in incessantly, with the smugglers supposedly in cahoots with the border police, if what that woman said should be believed. But then, the police conducted their mandatory border check, and they saw those dogs and they did nothing. So...maybe its not illegal, I don't know. Maybe its not even smuggling after all.

So while I think that meat is a natural part of our diet, its the brutal treatment of those animals that galls me. So what if they're going to die anyway, can't they be treated with compassion, their ends hastened instead of being drawn out like that? Do they have to be subjected to such treatment?

Looking back, I remember turning to my travelling companion and saying, "I cant sleep", and the reply, "Neither can I". And we sat in silence, listening to the frightened whines of those dogs that the sound of the bus' engine, nor the howling winds could quite cover up. And wondering who was the bigger sinner- those that commit evil, or those that stand by while evil is being committed.


jay-me said...

etc. etc. is very tempting...k nau pon a tah chiam toh khatiang ui an rn phurh chhoh kha maxicab chungah an thiat fur ringot...konaihthlk tak an ni...kei ui ngaina lo takngial pon a nunrawnthlak k ti khop mai ka pi duhtaktereuhtedissertationziakbuaitezauabialnute

Lucy In The Sky said...

Poor doggies. Talh tur tih vang mai a lungngai leh thlaphang reng reng dah chu, a nunrawn thlak ka ti thlawt. Ui te phei chu mihring an ngaina sia, ngatinge ti hian min tih tih rilru neuh neuh ka ring tlat.

ku2 said...

@Jay-me: kei i pi duhtaktereuhtedissertationziakbuaitezauabialnute-i hi eee..kha zan khan ka rilru a sad ve khawp mai. Ni e, uisa ei hi chu kan culture a awm ang ani deuhthaw a, mahse heti fakaua han tih kher hi chu a, tiraw?

@Lucy: I vang :(
An hrilhhai ve thei ngawt ang. Shillonga hostela kan awmlai khan kan hostel bula stray dogs hi an rawn man thina, an rak nasa thei lutuk, tih theih vak kan neilo/ chet nachang kan hrelo thin bawk sia..

Mizohican said...

Hmmm... Interesting post. I think this applies to anything we eat as well, I mean non-veg. Like pigs, chicken etc. Something should be done about such cruel mistreatment. And my sympathy goes with those dogs :(

dr_feelgood said...

We really need to spread more awareness about Cruelty to Animals Acts. Pi Rii is doing well with anti tobacco movement, we need another VIP to take up the animal's cause.

Anonymous said...

I can stand the cruel treatment of cows, pigs, fowl etc. (and cats for that matter.) at a slightly higher degree than that with Dogs, not just because im a dog-guy, but because they have higher intelligence and are extremely faithful. (You don't read news saying that a cat saved its master from some near-death experience, etc.)
But cats and dogs apart, very touching story.. there oughta be some kinda law or norms for transporting animals, even those headed for the slaughterhouse..

ku2 said...

@Illue: You went to the dogs, eh?
Nia.. life is sacred, be it big or small or dumb or intelligent. Which reminds me..imustnotpourhotcandlewaxonmothsanymore.

@Doc: Activism is important, no doubt, but why cant we as individuals do our part too? I hate that all too often I just stand by and watch in sympathy without doing anything about it.

@Black: Hey, dont think I didnt see the subtle jabs at the cats, grrrr... Khasis eat cats, dont they? Doh-meow, hihih, or so they jest. I guess almost every culture has its delicacy, be it dogs, cats, whales, horses etc. And yea, they should be at least allowed to die with dignity or at least a semblance of it :(

dr_feelgood said...

Kuku. You already are doing your part as an individual. You are blogging about it and obviously telling others. But,sometimes bigger issues need more concerted efforts and collective action. May I suggest you meet the People for Animals in Aizawl, you can contact C Luri, Maruati etc, who took up the 'dog trade issues' and stiil doing their bit.

Jerusha said...

If there's one thing I feel driven with a passion to do - it is to stop something like this. I'm no vegan either, but being a very very very very ardent dog lover, who when she prays at night for all the sick and the ill and the lonely always includes all the dogs who are suffering in this world, stories like these and seeing 'dog meat shops' are just heart wrenching for me. I just don't know where to start, but I will...I swear I will. Ka thin hi rim bawn tawp! I'm even thinking of going full vegan if it will help me fight for this cause better. Hetiang a an ti hi ka la hmu ngai lo a ka lawm. Hmu ila chu ka ngawi liam thei lo ang...chutah Mizo leh Mizo inhek chuti khati min ti ang a, buaina ka tawk nasa dawn ltk. Mahse hei chu ngaihtuah chian a ngai tak meuh.

And bless your little Ku soul for writing about this! Awareness awm hrim hrim hi a tha..

luliana said...

Uisa hi ka ei duh nanga hetiang heng hung a state dang atanga stray dog kan khawn khawm hi chu tha ka ti lo bur!! Hman kum khan i thil ziah ang case vangin guwahati-ah kan buai tep tawh, mizoram sumo pakhat a hnunga hu buara bag a an phur lai thlalak newspaper ah an chhuah chuai chuai mai mawle...zialo tak a ni!!!

ku2 said...

@Doc: (I have a tendency to shorten people's names :)) I just might at that. If we look the othwr way now, this will only escalate.

@Jeru: We Mizos are so big on forgiveness and turning the other way, arent we? A thalo lamah pawh kan in ngawihbopui mai zela. Awmve la chuan tha tur, keini rilru dawih deuh tan chuan trik han tih pawh a har thina, sawi pawp2 ngam hi awmse a tha.

@Lulz: hiih... Ei dawn pawn Malsawmna tawngtai ami, heh. A eia hi chu keipawh ka sawisel hranlo,ei chu ka eive chuanglo nain, mahse hetianga tih hi chu eng ran pawh nise an phulo. Hnam dang bulah hlei2 sawi a zahthlak

Unknown said...

How I wish there could be a way put an end to this act of cruelty meted out to what I know from first hand experience are "Man's Best Friend".And kudos to you Ku2 for blogging about an issue I have always wanted to voice but never did.For a while now I've been toying with the idea of maybe starting up a dog shelter but have no idea how to go about doing it, let alone if I'll be able to afford it (since I'm broke half of the time). So if you happen to know anyone who might be interested in joining the cause please feel free to let me know okay..

ku2 said...

heyyy Zodin, thanks for the comment and more importantly, kudos to YOU for even wanting to take that initiative. Sometimes i feel i'm all "sound and fury signifying nothing" and its really heartening to know someone willing to take active action. Im always there to help, though right now, not monetarily, heheh..Do keep me informed. Dr. Feelgood up there has provided some names who I think would be willing to back your venture. Keep me posted, kay?

Calliopia said...

I think it was 3 years ago that a similar picture was published on the front page of Vanglaini and I took the initiative of getting it scanned and writing up about it on the Mizo website Lawrkhawm. In English though, mind you, since it's the language I'm most comfortable in. Guess what some of the reactions were - why did you write all this in English because other races are going to be able to read and find out about all this etc etc. I was just completely put off by that kind of small-minded, warped mindset.

By the way, C Luri is no longer with the PFA. Some friction in the group etc.

ku2 said...

@Ms.Calliopia: (Humour me! It feels downright uncomfortable to address teachers without that prefix)
Well, the way I see it, I neither think its always possible nor advisable to hide one's cultural skeletons. If we want to remain cloistered forever, fine. But we are slowly venturing out and I think its best that our foibles be revealed by us. Ive long learnt that trying to hide skeletons only make them more putrid when they are eventually discovered :D