Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The best damn name!

After seeing Mimi and Jay-me's post about their names, I googled my name and got the Kuku tribes of Africa and Kukui nuts, plus some bands named Kuku. But it gave me no inkling into what my name really meant or signified. I've had a love-hate relationship with my name(s). My great-grandmother gave me my Mizo name Vanlalveni. I HATED IT! It's sooo old-fashioned! An uncle thought so, too, and he gave me a Biblical name (read, Sap Hming) which is a Hebrew name for "Bee"- 'nuff said. I never used it. It didn't feel like me.

Now that I'm older, I've learnt to appreciate my Mizo name. Its unusual and I don't have to suffer being relegated to a number  like my sister who had Lalremruati 1 and 2, plus Lalremruata 1, 2, and 3 in her class. Besides, when you think about it, most people have guardian angels, and I have a guardian God. How awesome is that? (My name means "protected by the Heavenly God"). But I prefer being called Kuku- it's so me, though I don't know what it means. And that has been a bone of contention for me.

I once asked my parents how/why/when I was named Kuku. They didn't know the answer. As a teen, I was told by my sisters that the middle child is often the most neglected. I have two elder and two younger sisters and I am slap-bang in the middle. The fact that my parents don't know why/how/when I got my name seemed to confirm that I was an unwanted, unloved child and with all the teen angst I felt, I often felt like running away :( Sob. I've since stopped listening to my sisters, but I've always felt the lack of self-knowledge, till I remembered a story I read in, of all things, Archie comics about a caveman called Ku who saved the world. I got down to some serious research in a lot of secret archives. Ku's story is not found in google. Its too earth-shaking. Here goes:

Once upon an un-time, for the lack of the concept of time is the crux of this story, the world was in peril. There were no watches and clocks then or even the basic knowledge on how to tell time, so the world was plunged in chaos. No one knew when to start working, or when to stop; when to start eating or when to stop when to sleep or when to get up. Animals and people died. You may suppose that scavengers would have a field day, but they too were just as confused. All creatures cried out for deliverance from this chaotic confusion. It was a dark age indeed.

The dodos, who were the high priests then called for sacrifices to appease the gods. The biggest animals- the dinosaurs- were the first to be sacrificed. They were pushed inside a volcano, much to the anger of their chief T-Rex who felt that the dodos were big frauds. As he was about to be pushed inside that volcano, he said in a voice that shook with anger, "The future that be, shall heap ridicule on your head, and my tribe will be vindicated!!"  But the dodos, sure of their supremacy said, "We'll spread the word that you all died out when that meteor visited us. Now jump, big guy".

Nothing worked. The gods remained stubbornly silent. All creatures fasted to appease them. In a huge cave sat the next group awaiting their own sacrifical to the gods- a bunch of ragtag, useless creatures called humans. As the big red ball in the sky started its journey towards the heavens, one of the humans, a large-headed individual called Ku could no longer control the voice of his empty stomach. It kept  grumbling "mmmrrnnnngg". This irritated their tense leader Glog so much that he gave Ku a huge bop on the head with his club. Now, Ku's head is extraordinarily big, and the acoustics of the cave magnified every sound. So when Glog hit his head, Ku's head gave off a loud "Gongggg!!!"

All the creatures who had gathered around the sacrifical volcano asked, "What was that? What was that? Is that our message from the gods?" The dodos were by now eager to seize any opportunity to claim their kinship with the gods so they dragged Ku and Glog out and asked them what had happened. On learning the story, they proclaimed, "The gods have answered our prayers in the form of this worthless beings. The gods spoke through his stomach, they said 'mmmrrrnnnnggg', so let this period be called morning and let us break our long fast to celebrate this auspicious event".

So they ate and by the time the red ball reached the middle of the sky, the sated Ku's bowels gave off a satisfied "hnnnooonnn". So that period was called noon. And when the red ball fell off the sky, Ku's stomach had by now wanted feeding again, and murmured, "dnnnrr". So, Glog was made to hit Ku's head again, and everyone ate at a time that came to be called "dinner-time". From then on, Ku became the official time-piece of the prehistoric world, and Glog became the time-keeper, bopping Ku's head everytime his stomach announced the time.

Life became wonderful. All creatures now learnt how to tell time by observing the position of the red ball and connecting it with Ku's stomach's predictions. They shouted, "All hail Ku, saviour of the earth!" This enraged the dodos, who felt that Ku was becoming more popular than them. So they spread the rumour that Ku had become insane because of all the bopping he recieved. They originated the phrase, "He's gone Ku-ku" to signify madness. They then said that the gods had to be appeased again, and sacrifices once again offered to them.

But this time, the creatures that had once remained in thrall of the dodos rebelled. And a bloody war started between those for and against the dodos. Those against the dodos called themselves the Kukus. Their mascot was a bird that kept crying "Ku-ku" and this bird came to be called forever after as the cuckoo. The crows cried, "ko!ko!" and doves cooed, "Koooo". It was a long and bloody war. Whole species were decimated. But in the end, the Kukus won. The dodo high priests were exiled. They turned to the gods and offered themselves as sacrifices. They were on the lookout for great miracles, and completely missed out on seeing the answers in simplicity, failing to see 'eternity in a grain of sand'. This is the true story of how the dodos become extinct.Their names therefore become synonymous forever with stupidity unto extinction.

When mechanical time-pieces were invented, they were called 'clocks' in honour of good ol' Glog, and the earlier clocks feature a cuckoo that cries out "ku-ku, ku-ku". Yes, the cult of Ku still lives, but so does the dodo cult. They are the ones who invented the alarm clock, a device meant to vex and frustrate human beings beyond all endurance. Of course, the Ku cult fought back. The word "doh!", short for 'dodo' is now officially synonymous with mistakes of huge proportion: Doh (d) Interj. a) A Gen-X colloquialism conveying an overall feeling of frustration. b) Used to express a feeling one has after realizing they have been tricked, misled, scammed, swindled, etc.. c) Used to boast or chide the victim of such tomfoolery. (

So while my parents no longer know why/ how/ when I was called Kuku, I now know that it is because the unseen but powerful forces of the cult of Ku had been working on them, influencing them to name me after a person who is responsible for the propagation of life on earth as we know it, and for the supremacy thereafter of human beings. The name therefore is a signifier of what defines human beings, the force that makes us humans- dumb luck and pure chance. In other words- serendipity. 


jay-me said...

yay!another ego-centric blogger huhu seriously, dudie(female version of dude)a gong fr. ku's head n his growling stomach gives u pride??hyuk hyuk this ive got to mock, big head, empty stomach, duuuuh-dity, cuckoo mascot, nice nice...eerr most species of cuckoos r brood parasites i.e they lay they eggs in other birds' nest n the chicks hatch earlier than the hosts' n feed on the unhatched ones. lolz still, i like ur name bcos it doesnt require much energy, its short n economical, even better than mine hehe, consolation nih hi

Mizohican said...

Good post, Veni.

That was an interesting story. Its good to know kuku is related to the dodo. And the best thing is that people can recognize your family trait without you having to attempt much to live up to your family name.

By the way - "Vanlal" - This is the most beautiful name in the whole wide world.

Anonymous said...

kim..hei hi chu X hming ni ve

Anonymous said...

Whats in a name,
that being a single syllable makes no sense,
Yet a double-monosyllable word becomes a name?
EG: ku, mi, do, na, ta, to, tu.. etc etc.. hehe..
Nice read, reminds me of the Dodos in Ice Age.

Philo said...

Veni, vidi, vici!!

ku2 said...

@Jay-me:All about the ego, baby :D
And what's this about mocking Ku's head and stomach? Show some respect, girl. WEre it not for those,the human race would be nothing. Nothing!! Cuckoo birds may be brood parasites but the Ku cult is the saviour of the earth.

@Illu: One of our church elders call me Veni. I think the only connection you two have is that you're both old :D
Kuku is NOT related to dodo, they are AGAINST each other. Family traits, meaning, I rock?

"Vanlal"... I suppose, judging from anon's comment that thats ur ex's name.

ku2 said...

@Black: Doom on you!! :D
I guess this shows that repetition is key towards meaning. My significant other also has a repetitive name, tralala, how meaningful is that?

@Philo: err..what did you vici?

jay-me said...

ku clan?reminds of ku klux clan hehe nway coming to the positive side watched a movie called shine of rainbow last nite n there a little boy called out "ku,ku,ku" to the seals in the sea in the hope that they'd take his msgs to his dead grandma n mom..very im calling out to u kuu, kuuu,kuuu...hehe k cuah hrang daihin k sia

Mizohican said...

At the person above me: Its Ku Klux Klan. KKK. Not KKC. You might as well call it KFC. :P

@ Anon: hets. show yerrrr face, arrrr!

@ Kuku and Philo: In today's world, especially when you're referring to a hot babe, the order is changed to: "Vidi, Vici, Veni" - I saw her, I conquered her, I came... :) Must be nice to have a name that relates to a "bodily fluid reaction" :D

jay-me said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aduhi Chawngthu said...

Hey!!! You share a name with my sister. Really. I'm not kidding. It really is an unusual name, you are the third person I've known who has this name.
Nice story there. But it also reminds me of the dodos in Ice Age, just like blackestred up there was. Just make sure you don't start behaving like one :)

ku2 said...

@Jaymes: Ku tih hi affectionate ka ti raupui, sounds like someone coo-ing to me. and you know that someone, ehhh!!

@Illu: Romantics say, "I came, I saw, she conquered". You say something else completely. figures that you're still unmarried at your age bwahahaha >:)

Oh, and... you two.. get a room!

@Aduhi: Kuku or Vanlalveni.. eeee. obviously Vanlalveni, hehe.. Me too, I know two guys who have the same name, no girls.. tell your sister we belong to an exalted exclusive group who has the Big Entity Himself as their guardian :)
I guess I was subliminally channeling the ice-age dodos here.

ku2 said...

@Jay-me: And you know you have a part of me that will never ever belong to any guy.. and no queerness in this context either. :D

ku2 said...

Testing... Email follow-up on comments option now activated.

Mizohican said...

Hmmm... better... though the spot lights at the back are a bit distracting...

jay-me said...

this big mouth wala has done it again...4gt 2 count b4 i speak

Jerusha said...

heh heh - here's lalremruat #5 posting a comment :) Quite a common name that. I always console myself by telling my tired soul that at least I have a 'Feli' at the end of my Lalremruat so that's a bit of a distinction :P But my Hebrew name does more than enough when it comes to distinction :)

As for Dodos, a mean boss called me and a bunch of colleagues who had made some major blunder 'You Dodos' - and I've hated Dodos ever since!

ku2 said...

@Illus: Hey don't dis my template. This is as close as I can get to seeing my name up in lights.

@Jay-me: Hehe, no biggie, We always do the talking before thinking thing.. So anyway.. who was cumming beneath you? Hihihi, couldn't resist, sorryy!!!

@Jeru: The 'feli' does add some distinction. And the Hebrew name- I like. I think you're the first Mizo Jerusha I know.
Ugh, and bosses should be above name-calling. When they act as human as the rest of us, it lulls one into a false sense of security.. we keep on missing the horns and tail, hihih.. kidding. Wouldn't want to offend any bosses out there :D

Mos-a said...

eheu. Van thlak kual nasa em em. Ka bo hman treps lawm le.

In unau hming hi chu mak ve hrim hrim lawm -

Aii (Ayie?)

Anyway nangmah bem thlu tu in a bem thluk hun che a sawi tur chu(a (i sam ah kek pah che in..)-

"Veni, Vidi, Vici"


Mos-a said...

sala comments ka chhiar leh a mi in min lo sawi khalh.I don't feel so clever now :( .

Anonymous said...

hram tlahawlh hlom ve

ku2 said...

@Amosh: Late cleverness= lameness, hahaha..

weemoyee tiin kan ko tak2 hleinem. Kan unauah chuan a hming a pangaive ber. A bawl phuan nasat che em kha, hehehe..

@Anon:A Point there.

luliana said...

I hming awmzia dik tak hi keichu ka hre reng ah!!!mahse sawi dawn lo rengs!!! :P

ku2 said...

lalkimlulian: i blog update ve tawh la... enge ka hming awmzia chu? xaua'n hmanni in inhmu kha chu "mum" ati tawh khop che asin :D

OpaHmar said...

hahaha "Jump big guy"
Kinda reminds me of Madagascar

ku2 said... is that obvious that I prefer animated animals to the animal planet variety?

Lucy In The Sky said...

A friend of mine told me his parent said he was born when the corns were "this tall" (kut zaizirin)so he figured it was sometime in September, hence September 5 is now his birthday.