Thursday, January 6, 2011

Another year
This year, some will find love and some will lose love. Babies will be born, deaths will be mourned. The economy will either rise or fall, and the poor will stay poor, and the rich will stay rich. We will be inundated once again with news of deaths, destruction, wars, disease and pestilence. And unsung heroes will remain unsung, while news of celebs' DUIs, divorces and drug problems will be splashed on magazine covers. New songs will be sung, and music purists will again complain about 'modern garbage'. Resolutions will be broken and we will revert back to our overweight, smoking, unmotivated selves. There will be suicides, rapes, murders. Elected officials will still placate with empty promises. There will be tears, heartache, a million tiny disappointments.

And yet as the year progresses, we will find reasons to go on, to keep on hoping, and to laugh and love. And when this year ends, and another begins, we will again look back with nostalgia, and be filled with optimism once again. Resolutions will again be made, jubilation once again in the air. 

Here's to the human spirit- indomitable, resolute, ever hopeful, and quite good at the heart of it all.


Calliopia said...

You're so right, the human spirit really is ever hopeful and indomitable. Every new year proves it! Thanks for pointing it out.

Mos-a said...

A hun chep tak karah Nula Kukui'n kan sawmna te ngai pawimawhin kan zingah rawn tel theia kumthar thuchah tha tak te a rawn sawi theih avangin a chungah Khawbawpruhlian KTP in a chungah lawmthu kan sawi e.

As Robert Frost once succinctly said “In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on.”

Aduhi Chawngthu said...

lol ka chunga mi khi tul teh duah lo e!

Anyway, Happy New Year and all that jazz, don't disappear into the unknown again, please update your blog regularly.

daniel said...

So truely spoken, I'd like to say 'you took the words right out of my mouth' but then I probably cant express myself like this.
Happy New Year.

ku2 said...

@Calliopia: Err, welcome! :D Still treadmilling, I hope!

@Mosa: Hmm, engtinnge i hriat? Frost kherlo pawh Mr. Shakur-a te pawn heihi chu an lo sawive tho- ♪Life goes on.

@Aduhi: Chu chu lawmmm.Happy New Year back! And I'll try, mahse sawitur hi ka van tran riau mai.

@Daniel: Thank you. And happy new year back, realistic or not.

Malsawmi Jacob said...

Hmmm... 'Hope springs eternal in the human breast' (Alexander Pope). Where would we be without hope? It's what makes the rough patch bearable, right?

Maisek said...

How true! But that's the spirit given to us by God. Unless human beings possess the spirit of hope, determination and optimism, life would be hell!It is only because of this force that we keep on moving!

sawmpuia said...

A dik hle mai i thil sawi chhuah hi.. Hope is everything

Alejendro said...

Cheers!! Survive a New Year!!